The daily ramblings of a paralympic cyclist

Monday, August 31, 2009

crossing T's/dotting the eye

Monday morning and I'm facing a busy 4 days.

A few more hard rides to squeeze that fitnees level and a mad dash to get

everything packed up. Traveling to races always requires the equipment

everyone would expect - 2 bikes, 2 helmets, jerseys, racing skinsuits, raceshoes


But the stuff I'm most likely to scramble for is the extra cleats, tubes/tires,

race license w/ID, photocopies of license and passport.

the little things that are in the house but never thought of.

I finally was able to spend a few days training with the team.

Friday - 6x 5 minute max efforts up a favorite climb of mine (Gold Camp rd)

This was done on the TT bike and almost made me vomit on myself.

Saturday - The local group ride. I was feeling strong at times.

I took a flyer of the front of the group of 30 to create a short lived breakaway.

Two other times I covered gaps created by a couple local pros.

Those efforts were race like moments and got my head and body ready to Italy.

Sunday - Sprint intervals w/ motor pacing. On a flat 3 mile loop myself and 5 teammates would be drafting off my coach who was driving a moto. We would rotate around untill the final home straight. This is where everyone would set up for the sprint and race to the line.

In cycling the smartest sprinter wins. It was a drill of tactics and effort. The ones I won

were the ones I had the most patience with.

A 3 day day block justifies an easy day. for me it's a full day of work.

With four days remaining I'm feeling like me fitness is here. a few loose ends and

I'm off to Milan, Italy.

I'll be writing more once over there. We are regulated to our bedrooms for most of the trip so

you may see more posts.

Thanks for reading.

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