Today's workout was supposed to be a skills based session on the velodrome.
But with the unusual amount of rain that we have had lately the track was cancelled
and the group training ride I missed yesterday was inserted instead.
The idea with a group ride is intensity, positioning and general tactics. Training the body
and mind to be alert and respond to attacks is crucial for the mass start road race
that I'll be a part of in Beijing. To attack or cover attacks within a race setting
requires spikes starting from high in the aerobic zone into an anaerobic state then back
to the aerobic zone. This type of training is helpful for buffering the lactic acid build up
in your legs and to create a level of recovery all the while still working hard.
The ride took me through the U.S. Air Force Academy. The AFA offers great riding
and today it offered a high paced run up to a difficult climb followed by a fast and equally
tiring descent. Because of my need of a "nature break" I found myself chasing the main group.
Working with a teammate we caught them on the last rise before leaving the Academy.
Pedaling home the sky opened and myself, Pamela and a few others we're drenched.
1 comment:
Hi Mike! Congrats on the paralympics! Can my middle school class follow your blog?
(I will preview and print things off first, so don't feel like you need to censor yourself.)
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