The daily ramblings of a paralympic cyclist

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Looks like New England outside


As many of you know, The Cape and New England in general has those days
where it just rains. A dark day that the rain falls from sun up to sun down and beyond.
Out here in Colorado that is not the case. Weather appears from over the mountains
only after a full day of blue sky. With the rolling terrain the storm clouds and the rain itself
can be seen falling from the sky.
Today was not typical Colorado. I woke up in rain and closed my eyes to the sound of
clasps of thunder and a steady downpour.
I talk about the weather conditions because it affects my daily training quite a bit.
Luckily Fridays are a recovery day. A commute to work (20 minutes each way) just to
warm the legs and get the gunk out. Today I drove and didn't do much more than look
at my bicycle. Some days I just don't want to suit up and go spin.
The steady rain does do more than affect my training, it reminds me of home
and those lazy days spent stuck inside with friends/family.

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