Coach Tom had planned to have me on the velodrome one more time before packing the
bike. But, like previous attempts to train on the track it was not meant to be. I left work in a downpour & Thunder/lightening storm and of course on my bike. The track is closed for any rain due to the risk of crashing. Instead I pedaled over to the Garden of the Gods Park to do some interval training. The workout were to be max efforts of both 1 and 4 minutes to simulate what I race on the track in Beijing. The Garden of the Gods offers absolute breathtaking scenery but a great training circuit.
The rain stopped and the training went well. I used a slight climb to increase my power output which of course had a little kick at the end to send me deep into oxygen debt. In all types of bike racing it's crucial to be able to send yourself into an anaerobic state and then recover to go with another attack or to attack yourself. At this point the body is working too hard to rid it's self of the lactic acid build up. The accumulation of lactic acid in the body is what gives that soreness to the muscles. That's the reason why I'm asked to do these
legs burning intervals over and over again.
My day does not end with the workout. I try to get join my team at the OTC for a group dinner. Being part of the team reminds me that even though I may be by myself in training, I'm not the only one training my ass off!
The photo is of the Garden of the Gods in the winter looking south towards Cheyenne Mountain.
It's beautiful!!
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