The daily ramblings of a paralympic cyclist

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

A dream realized


This morning I sat on the shuttle bus looking off at the lush chinese hillside.

A thought, then an emotion rolled through me. My dream had come true.

Through years of determination and of course a bit of luck I accomplished what I set out to do.

Like many people, I grew up needing a focus. Many times I thought I found something that could harness my attention but nothing ever held it so completely as cycling.

Lately, I've thought about how a scattered brained surf bum found himself

in CHINA representing the USA. Lots of things had to fall into place but the main reason is a desire to do what it takes. A love for the process. I'd imagine the only way to succeed is simply want to do the work.

For the first time in my life I found a goal that could be accomplished that was linked to a great passion of mine.

And now I sit on a bus in Beijing. Finally understanding the reward that comes with hard work.

And yes, Racing bikes is brutally hard work!


Kavy said...

Great post Mike. In so few words you say it all. I am super proud of you buddy and look forward to watching you race. Look around you and soak it all in you have earned it.

All my best,


Unknown said...

Hi Mike, when it comes to hard work and detremination you got it all. Remember those days on the racquetball court, you worked very hard and became one the top players at the club and state level. People still to this day ask me how you are doing. Itell them you cycling on the paralmpic team, they say they can believe it. We will all be cheering for you. charlie munroe