The daily ramblings of a paralympic cyclist

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Dialing things in


After the race I had plenty of things to do. First on the list was to dial in my new bike.
I was hoping to have it fit on Friday but time did not allow it.
My other coach Jim met me at the lab to transfer my old bike fit to my new bike.
The process was interesting and at times way above my head. The sensors measured every possible angle which made finding the perfect fit a lot easier than ever before. After two hours the numbers lined up and the
feel was right.
A good bike fit is needed not only for comfort but for confidence while racing and to avoid injury.
As any traveler knows, so many little things things pop up that have to be done before heading out.
A trip to the bike shop for extra cables, brake pads, chains is just the start. My team director called to remind me that my passport and visa was at her office waiting. All of these little things take away from my scheduled couch time. Sitting on my butt with my legs up is as important as tossing cookies after sprint training.
Monday is a recovery day. But with just a few days till departure it's more of a mad scramble.

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